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Simple Steps Migrating Your WordPress Demo Site into Production Site

Starting today, we’re going to publish tips and tricks related to WordPress. Hope you guys like it.

The Scenario

Your demo site is located in http://currentclientdomain.tld/demosite and you want to move your site to http://currentclientdomain.tld.

As you may all know, you can move the site by moving all the files under http://currentclientdomain.tld/demosite to http://currentclientdomain.tld. But do you know that there’s another simpler way to do it?

The Solution

All you have to do is:

  • Copy index.php and .htaccess from demo site root into production site rootdirectory.
  • Open index.php from demo site root directory,  find this code:
    [php]require(‘./wp-blog-header.php’);[/php]and replace it with[php]require(‘./demosite/wp-blog-header.php’);[/php]
  • Open WordPress admin panel and go to Setting -> General, edit Site Address (URL) from http://currentclientdomain.tld/demosite into http://currentclientdomain.tld

WordPress General Settings

If you do the above steps above correctly the demo site will now run as the new live site and can be access from http://currentclientdomain.tld.

One thing you should note is that new live site WordPress Dashboard can only be access from http://clientsitedomain.tld/demosite/wp-admin/.

This tutorial was intended to show you that there’s another way to move your demo site and you must realized that this tutorial made a minor modification to WordPress code file.

I'm a WordPress custom theme developer. Thinks that coding and sharing will bring a healthier life.


  • Ricky


    Really nice post, many people looking for: how to… Like this post.

    Thanks for sharing 😉

  • Free CMS Themes

    Makasih banyak mas infonya…

    akhirnya tau juga caranya 😀

  • heri09

    interesting post. I thinking this trick can protect or change the administrator wordpress url

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